Stock Order from Catalogue


The Stock Order from Catalogue function allows the user to create supplier orders from a list of items from Catalogue Management. These items can be ordered for the inventory or for a project. It is also possible to order items that are not defined in the catalogue, but it can only be for a project.


The difference with Purchase Order Management is that a Receipt of Goods transaction is possible before invoicing and the user can manage inventory with this option.





ClosedStock Order from Catalogue icons



Used to


Transfers the selected stock order.

Print (CTRL+P)

Prints the stock order from catalogue.

With the icon’s dropdown menu, it is possible to access to the list Generator and the Form, if the user’s security allows it.

Display Only Modified Entries

Displays orders with the Modified status.

An unlocked order remains in this folder until it is transferred again.

Display Only Requisitions Ready to be Processed

Displays the confirmed and active requisitions.

Display Requisitions that are Completed

Displays the closed requisitions.

Inventory Inquiry

Allows the user to consult the inventory for an item selected in the grid.

Transfer this requisition to orders

Creates an order from the requisition displayed. Available only if a supplier has been chosen and if the quantities to be ordered have been entered.

Compile Requisition

Displays the Compile Requisition screen, allowing the user to select the items to order from the requisition list.


Allows the user to copy the stock order.

Unit Price

Displays the Unit Price Inquiry or allows the user to recalculate the price based on the following choices:

Recalculate the unit price of the selected item

Allows the recalculation of the selected item's unit price.

NOTE: Sometimes, an item's unit price is changed between the time when the order is entered and when it is completed.

Recalculate all the unit prices

Allows the recalculation of all item unit prices for the order.

Update information for ElekNet item

Updates ElekNet item unit prices and available quantities.

Update information for all ElekNet items

Updates all ElekNet item unit prices and available quantities for the order.

Unit Price Inquiry

Opens the Unit Price Inquiry window, in which are displayed the selected item's unit prices.

Send Order to Eleknet

Used to transfer the order to ElekNet, if the Order Transfer Mode configuration (Purchasing Configuration, ElekNet Interface tab) is set to Manual.

NOTE: If the Order Transfer Mode is set to Automatic, the system performs the transfer automatically, without user intervention..

Transform a Stock Order into an Internal Purchase Order

Allows the user to transform a stock order into an internal purchase order. Available only for orders with a Reserved status.

Add multiple items from catalogue

Allows the user to select multiple items from the catalogue to add to the order.

Only the non-self-explanatory icons or those with special features are defined in the table below.





  maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Stock Order from Catalogue




Clicking the Configuration icon allows the user to enter default values that will be used for all orders entered.

  1. Click on the Configuration icon and enter the needed information in the Closedvarious sections:
  1. Default Values section:



Suggest changing the quotation price

If checked, displays a message that asks the user if they want to update the quotation price for the item in the Catalogue Management option.

NOTE: The price can only be changed if the user has access to the Catalogue Management option.

Default Status

Default status that is displayed when a purchase order is entered or saved.


Default site of the purchase order.

NOTE: The site only applies to catalogue items ordered for the inventory.


Default order delivery location.

Automatic Receipt

Allows maestro* to automatically or defaultly generate a receipt of goods transaction for all regular type orders.

This option is useful to enter stock orders for which the goods have already been received.

NOTE: The box is only displayed if the The user can generate an automatic receipt of goods when entering a stock order form catalogue box is checked in the Security Management option (Access Restrictions tab, Orders section).

Delivery on Request

If this box is checked, the Delivery on Request mode will be activated by default when creating stock orders from catalogue.

  1. Breakdown Grid section:



Maximum Number of Lines

Limits the number of lines that will be displayed in the Breakdown section. By default, maestro* displays 100 lines.

NOTE: The maximum number of lines that can be displayed is 9,999.

  1. Other available choices:



Search for orders using the transaction summary

If checked, the search for orders will be restricted to those displayed in the Transaction Summary section. This includes both transferred and untransferred transactions.

Display Equipment Requisitions

If checked, displays tool requisitions.

Stay in insert mode after saving

If checked, maestro* clears the screen after saving.

Display orders and requisitions for other companies

If checked, displays orders and requisitions for other companies. Used in multidimensional mode only.

Display service calls for other companies

If checked, displays other companies' service calls. Used in multidimensional mode only.

Disable the default project copy of the work order

If checked, the project of the selected work order is not automatically pasted to the Project field in the Default Values section.

If unchecked, the system automatically copies the default project when a work order is specified on the order.

  1. Discount section:

Useful in cases where a discount is detected for the ordered material.


This setting also applies to the Receipt of Goods option.




Always apply discounts

Automatically applies the found discounts.

Confirm before applying discounts

Displays a message asking the user to confirm the application of discounts.

Never apply discounts

Tells maestro* to never apply the discounts.

  1. Incomplete requisition order section:

Useful in cases where an order is issued from a requisition and some of the items in the requisition are not ordered.



Always print

Always print a purchase requisition with a list of items not ordered.

Confirm before printing

Asks the user if he wants to print a purchase requisition for non-ordered items.

Never print

Does not print purchase requisitions for non-ordered items.

  1. Supplier Change section :

Useful if the supplier identified on an order is changed.



Always recalculate prices

Always recalculate the price of items if the supplier is changed.

Confirm before applying prices

Displays a message asking the user to confirm the recalculation of prices when the supplier on the order is changed.

Never apply prices change

Never recalculates prices if the supplier is changed.

  1. Purchase History section:



Maximum Number of Lines

Limits the number of lines that will be displayed in the Purchase History section. By default, maestro* displays the 100 most recent lines.

NOTE: The maximum number of lines that can be displayed is 1,000.

  1. Close the Options window to save the settings.


Enter a Stock Order from Catalogue

  1. Enter the stock order's Closedbasic required information:


The user can copy an existing stock order from catalogue by clicking the Copy icon.





Order number and its extension, if applicable.

NOTES: Maestro* automatically assigns a number when the transaction is saved. However, it is possible to enter one manually.

The extension number allows the user to create a new order from an existing order. Only the information from the header is saved for the new order.

A counter and a mask can be defined in Configuration.


Supplier code from Supplier Management.

NOTE: Only active suppliers are available.

Address No.

Supplier's address number.

NOTES: By default, maestro* displays the address from Define Supplier.

The user can set up multiple addresses for a given supplier using the Define Supplier Addresses option.

Phone 1, 2 and Fax

Displays, if applcicable, the selected supplier's telephone and fax numbers.


Requisition number associated with the order.

NOTES: The requisition number is displayed automatically if the order is created with the Requisition à Supplier Order or the Procurement Management (MRP 1) option. This number cannot be modified.

Refer to the information in the appendix regarding the processing of requisitions with the Stock Order from Catalogue option.

Accrual Accounting

Indicates whether accrual cost accounting applies.

NOTES: The field is only available if in Configuration – Purchasing (Receipt of Goods section), the Accrual Accounting field is notNone.

If the Accrual Accounting field is set to Orders only, when merchandise is returned, the Accrual Accounting field will not be available.

If the Accrual Accounting field is set to Orders and return of merchandise, the Accrual Accounting field will be available.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDetail tab:
  1. ClosedDefault Values section:


These values are used by default in the Breakdown section.





Expense company.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.


Project number affected by the purchase.

NOTES: The list of available projects is displayed based on Security Management.

The project specified in the default values is also used to select the delivery location if the Location field is set to Project.


Activity affected by the purchase.


Group affected by the purchase.

Call Number

Service call number associated with the order.

NOTE: This function is available if the Service Management module is installed.


Default site from Define Sites.

  1. Additional Info section:


The user can configure the two Additional Info frames to display information from Catalogue Management or Supplier Management. To do this, click the icon in the upper right corner of the window and select the source of the additional information. This information is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be printed.

  1. Purchase History section:

This section displays the purchase history of a product. When a product code is entered in the order, the purchase history for the product is displayed. If a supplier exists in the order, the history is displayed for this supplier only. If the supplier is not specified, the purchase history is displayed for all suppliers from which the product has been purchased.

By moving from an order line to another, the purchase history is refreshed according to the product indicated on the current line.


It is possible to disable this section to prevent searching for purchase history by right-clicking in it and selecting Disable the grid. To enable it, simply right-click in the section and select the Enable the grid option.

By default, maestro* displays the 100 most recent lines of the history. The user can increase or decrease the number of lines by clicking the Configuration icon and changing the value of the maximum number of lines in the Purchase History section.

In multidimensional mode, maestro* displays the purchase history based on the current prefix. To display the purchase history for all companies, simply check the Display Orders and Requisitions for Other Companies, available by clicking the Configuration icon.

  1. ClosedBreakdown section:

The Add multiple items from the catalogue icon allows the user to select several items and add them to the breakdown grid. To obtain more information on this functionality, consult the Add multiple items from the catalogue topic.


If items are added when merchandise is received in the Add Item tab (Receipt of Goods), they will be added to the breakdown for the transferred order automatically. Added lines are identified with a check mark in the Added Item column.

The project, activity and group must be different than the project, activity and group for the group inventory defined in Configuration – Purchasing, Inventory tab, Inventory section. Otherwise, it will be impossible to save the transaction.

When using the Find an order by item function (available in the Tools menu, by clicking the search in the breakdown grid or by clicking F7), it is possible to improve the SQL grids’ processing time. To do so, open the search grid’s Configuration window (right-click in the grid). The Position on Last Selection option positions the selection on the last entered item. The sub-option At the first line positions the last entered item at the top of the grid without allowing the visualization of previous items.




Inventory Code

Inventory code from Catalogue Management.

If the item is a kit, see section Create a stock order from catalogue from a kit.

NOTES: It is possible to create an inventory code in the catalogue if the indicated code does not exist. The user must specify at a minimum the description, quantity and the UP. When saving the order, maestro* displays the message Inventory code does not exist on the line X. Do you want to create in the catalogue? By clicking Yes, the item will be automatically created in the catalogue.

This functionality is only available if the The user can create non-existent items in a catalogue order entry box is checked, under the Access Restrictions tab in SecurityManagement. The user can select a template to use for the creation of new inventory codes.

It is possible to enter a code that does not exist in Catalogue Management if preceded by an exclamation mark (!).

If a dot (.) is entered, this character tells maestro* that the line is a comment.

It is possible to view all prices associated with the item in the catalogue by clicking the Unit Price icon.


The item's description. Can contain up to 100 characters.

NOTE: It is possible to select an assembled product by placing the cursor in the Description field and clicking the arrow. The contents of the product configured in Define Bill of Materials is displayed automatically.

Manufacturer Name

Name of the manufacturer of the item entered in Catalogue Management.

NOTE: Information cannot be modified in this screen.

Manufacturer’s Part Number

Manufacturer’s part number entered in Catalogue Management.

NOTE: Information cannot be modified in this screen.

Supplier’s Part Number

Part number of the supplier. If the supplier for the stock order is one of the four suppliers defined in Catalogue Management for the item, the supplier’s part number is automatically displayed (if it is present). It is also possible to enter or modify this number if maestro* is able to add the supplier of the stock order to the list of four suppliers of the Catalogue Management.

NOTE: In this situation, the Catalogue Management is automatically updated when saving the stock order.


Name of the expense company.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.


Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered for the item in the Catalogue Management option.


Site of the item used by default to receive merchandise.

NOTE: If a site is specified in Catalogue Management, it is entered by default. Otherwise, maestro* uses the value in Configuration.


Location of the item used by default to receive merchandise.

NOTE: If a location is specified in Catalogue Management, it is displayed by default.


Item characteristic.


Item identification.

NOTE: The identification can be a serial number if Item Management Mode is set to Serial No. or a size if it is set to Variable Size in Catalogue Management.

Reservation No.

Reservation number.

NOTES: This number can be entered manually by the user.

This number can be entered automatically if the order was created with another option (Requisition, Procurement Management (CBN/MRP 1), Customer Order, etc.).

Qty (Inv.)

Quantity ordered based on the inventory unit. Is filled automatically if a Qty (Suppl) is entered.

Inv. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the inventory in Catalogue Management.

Qty (Suppl)

Quantity ordered based on the supplier's unit. Is filled automatically if a Qty (Inv.) is entered.

Supplier Unit

Unit of measure associated with the supplier in Catalogue Management.

Qty Available

Quantity available in stock at the time the order is entered.

On order Qty

Quantity on order of the item.

U.P. (Invt)

Unit price based on the inventory unit.

U.P. (Suppl)

Unit price based on the supplier unit.


Discount percentage.

NOTE: If a percentage is defined in Define Supplier Pricing, it is entered automatically.


Breakdown line amount.


Tax code applicable.

NOTE: To find out the source of the applicable code and tax rate, refer to the help on Reading tax codes in maestro*.


Tax code applicable.

NOTE: To find out the source of the applicable code and tax rate, refer to the help on Reading tax codes in maestro*.

Invt. Rcpt.

Quantity received based on the inventory unit on this order.

NOTE: This value is only available for active or closed orders on which merchandise was received or which were billed with Automatic Receipt.

Suppl. Rcpt.

Quantity received based on the supplier unit on this order.

NOTE: This value is only available for active or closed orders on which merchandise was received or which were billed with Automatic Receipt.


Determines the project to which the expense belongs for each breakdown line.

NOTE: The list of available projects is displayed based on Security Management.


Determines the activity to which each breakdown line belongs.

NOTE: The activity is confirmed when the order is saved according to the activities available in the selected project.


Determines the expense group to which each breakdown line belongs.

NOTE: The group is confirmed when the user orders is saved in accordance with access to the groups defined in Security Management and the groups available in the selected project.

Shop Drawing Counter

Allows to enter the counter number of a shop drawing.

NOTES: This column is not visible by default. In order to display it, it is necessary to go to the breakdown grid's configurations and check the column.

This column is only displayed if the Shop Drawing module is installed.

The field value can be modified when the transaction is saved, but not when the transaction is transferred.

Drawing Title

Displays the title of the shop drawing selected in the Shop Drawing Counter column.

NOTES: This column is for informational purposes only.

This column is not visible by default. In order to display it, it is necessary to go to the breakdown grid's configurations and check the column.

This column is only displayed if the Shop Drawing module is installed.

The field value can be modified when the transaction is saved, but not when the transaction is transferred.


Completed by default when the contract is saved based on its progress in maestro*.


Used to attach a document to the order.

Print Doc.

Prints the attached document when the order is printed, if the box is checked.

Delivery Date

Planned delivery date.

Req. No.

Requisition number associated with the order line, if the order was created using the Requisition àSupplier Order or the Procurement Management (CBN/MRP 1) option.

Req. Line

Requisition line number if the order was created using the Requisition à Supplier Order or the Procurement Management (CBN/MRP 1) option.

Customer P.O.

Customer order number if the order was created after entering a customer order using the Customer Order option.

Order Line No.

Line number on the customer order.

Requisition Date

Date of the requisition if the order was created using the Requisition à Supplier Order or the Procurement Management (CBN/MRP 1) option.

Call Number

Service call number associated with the order.

Added Item

Column showing that the item was added when the merchandise was received.

NOTES: This column is only visible for catalogue orders that have already been transferred.

The total amount of added items displayed at the bottom of the screen is not included in the total amount of the order. Furthermore, these items are not included in the total commitment to the project.

Long description

Used to enter a more complete description of the item manually.


Currency for the selected company.

NOTE: Only available if the multidimensional and multicurrency functions are installed.



If a budget is entered for the projects, activities and groups entered, maestro* checks for budget overspending when saving if this setting is enabled in Configuration.

  1. Enter the required information in the Delivery tab:




Location for the work.

ClosedAvaialble values:


Provides access to databases linked by function to the selection in the Location field.


Transportation from Define Abbreviations.


FOB code from Define Abbreviations.


Person who made the request.

NOTE: If the order was created from a requisition, the default requester is the person who entered the requisition in maestro*.

Attention of

Delivery contact.


Specification for the order from Define Specifications.


Operator. User who entered the stock order in maestro*.

NOTE: This field is automatically completed by maestro* and cannot be modified.


Number of the user who entered the order.

  1. Return of Merchandise section:


This section is only available if the Contract Type field is set to Return of Merchandise.




Original P.O. Number

Original order number on which a return is made.

Return No.

Return number.

Reference No.

Reference number.

  1. Enter the required information in the Memo tab: Used to enter a memo for the order.
  2. Click Save.


When saving the order, maestro* verifies in the breakdown grid of the order if any project requires separate orders. If it is the case, a message will be displayed: “Note: the following projects require separate orders: (project name). Do you still want to continue?”. The user can click on Yes and save the order or click on No to return to the order entry.

Only orders with a Confirmed status can be transferred. Once an order has been transferred, it can no longer be modified, unless the Unlock the Order function is used. For the user to have access to the Unlock the Order option, user security must be modified so that this user can access the option The user can unlock transferred orders and subcontracts found under the Access Restrictions tab of Security Management, in the Purchasing – Order section. Unlocking an order allows adding or modifying item lines for a transferred and active order, even if receipts of goods or invoices have been entered for the order. Existing order lines can only be modified if no receipts or invoices have been entered for them. If there already is a receipt or invoice, these lines will be non-modifiable, even if the receipt or invoice transactions are not transferred. The unlocked order has the Modified status. The user can then modify the order, but it does not have to be saved and transferred immediately. The unlocked order remains in the file of modified orders until it is transferred again.

A stock order from catalogue order can be deleted only if it has not been transferred. If the order was generated by transferring material from a work order, the order and all links referring to it in the work order will be deleted. In addition, if the work order was closed, its status will be changed to Open so that it can be transferred again if necessary.


Create a stock order from catalogue from a kit


This feature applies to items whose Status corresponds to Kit in the Catalogue Management option.

  1. In the Breakdown grid, enter the kit's inventory code in the column or click on the icon to select a kit through the Select a record window. The Component Selection window opens.
  2. Enter the amount of kits (Quantity) needed in the stock order.
  3. Check the kit items to include in the stock order.
  4. Click on Select.

    All chosen kit items will automatically be added to the stock order.
  5. Save the stock order.


See also



Processing Requisitions

Process one requisition at a time

  1. Click the Display Only Requisitions Ready to be Processed icon.
  2. Select a requisition.
  3. Complete the required information.
  4. Click the Transfer this requisition to orders icon.

Process multiple requisitions for a given supplier

  1. Click the Compile Requisition icon.
  2. Select one or more lines from requisitions.


The user can select multiple requisitions by pressing the Shift or Ctrl keys.

  1. Complete the required information.
  2. Click the Generate an Order icon.


Last modification: February 20, 2025